Car Spray Paint Service from Gold Autoworks

Gold Autoworks - Car Spray Paint Service Gold Autoworks is an established and professional car servicing workshop based at Toh Guan (Jurong area). We specialize in spray painting, panel beating service, tyres, spare parts, servicing and repair , insurance claim, tow truck and many other automobile-related services. We employ full-time staff and train them to be competent and reliable in our services. We do not outsource or subcontract out any service. You can be assured that your vehicle is in good hands when you send your car to us for car spray painting service. Check out this BMW’s Before and After image. We turn the car into a brand new car after our car spray painting service is completed . Touch Up Paint Service & Color Accuracy Over the years, we’ve worked on thousands of cars. When cars are sent in to us, we’ve experienced small scratches to very heavy damage to the body of the car. We will usually assess the situation together with you (car owner)...